Friday, February 8, 2008

Journey Through The Universe

Today HUS had the pleasure of having scientists come to share their knowledge with our students and teachers. I was fortunate to encounter Mr. Kevin Caruso. Mr. Caruso is a dynamic and passionate electrical engineer who came to visit us from snowy Illinois.

Students from our class got to make "rockets" out of film canisters, water, and effervescent. Boy, were they surprise when they were allowed to count down and "launch" their rockets in the Hilo Union Library! There were bursts going off every which way with students dashing, dodging, and laughing the whole time.

You wouldn't think it could get any better...then Mr. Caruso chose one student to be an "astronaut." Kayla was chosen to be dressed up in a space suit with helmet, gloves, tools, pack, and many other accessories. The best part was when he "pressurized" her suit. You have to watch the video to get the full effect!

Many thanks to all the scientists who came to share what they know and love with our students. I know how much we enjoyed Mr. Caruso, I am only disappointed that I didn't get to participate with the other scientists. I am definately looking forward to next year!

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